Our projects

Assessing the inclusion of a just transition in the National Energy and Climate Plans - what has changed?

Assessing the inclusion of a just transition in the National Energy and Climate Plans - what has changed?

We have developed a methodology to assess National Energy and Climate Plans for a just transition. Here, we share our findings based on the updated plans published from four European countries.

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European Heat Pump Ranking

European Heat Pump Ranking

Is Europe on track to deliver a heat pump roll-out? The European Heat Pump Policies Ranking of the Reform Institute evaluates policies across 10 countries.

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 DECON: Integration of circular economy within climate and energy actions as a crucial  component in the decarbonisation of the building and construction material sector

DECON: Integration of circular economy within climate and energy actions as a crucial component in the decarbonisation of the building and construction material sector

Currently, circular economy is not assessed as an integral part of general decarbonization and climate and energy policies at the European level. DECON project aims to address the gap between circular economy and strategies related to decarbonisation aspects and sector-specific needs within the
building and construction materials sector.

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National Development Concept 2050: Debate on the vision for a climate-neutral Poland

National Development Concept 2050: Debate on the vision for a climate-neutral Poland

The Reform Institute organised a meeting on the National Development Concept 2050, with the participation of the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy. The event gathered over 40 participants who discussed the vision for Poland's development and the role of the NDC 2050 document in shaping the country's future.

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RES Areas Project - Workshop "Areas of accelerated RES development: How to effectively implement them in Poland?"

RES Areas Project - Workshop "Areas of accelerated RES development: How to effectively implement them in Poland?"

On April 11 Reform Institute held a workshop on areas of accelerated RES development as a new tool for accelerating the energy transition in Poland. The discussion centered around ways to successfully implement the tools proposed by the RED III Directive into the national regulatory framework.

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National Energy and Climate Plan - Summary of the Reform Institute's April workshop

National Energy and Climate Plan - Summary of the Reform Institute's April workshop

In April, Reform Institute held a workshop to initiate discussion of various sectors concerning the updated National Energy and Climate Plan. Together with the participants, we evaluated the process of updating this strategic document for Poland's energy and industry. We also pointed out challenges that the government should find answers to when it publishes the full version of the NERP in the next months of this year.

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Co-CREATE: we are co-creating a framework for discussion around the responsible management of SRM research

Co-CREATE: we are co-creating a framework for discussion around the responsible management of SRM research

The EU-funded Co-CREATE project aims to foster the development of standards for responsible and ethical management of scientific research into the controversial Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) technologies.

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Participation of Reform Institute in public consultation on revision of the National Recovery Plan (NRP)

Participation of Reform Institute in public consultation on revision of the National Recovery Plan (NRP)

In mid-March 2024, the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy presented proposed amendments to the Polish National Recovery Plan (NRP). Reform Institute took part in a public consultation and a public hearing, presenting recommendations for revisions to the updated NRP.

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NECP and the Social Climate Plan: two plans, one strategy – summary of the Reform Institute Roundtable

NECP and the Social Climate Plan: two plans, one strategy – summary of the Reform Institute Roundtable

On February 15, 2024, the Reform Institute held a roundtable to discuss two key documents for energy and climate reforms – the National Energy and Climate Plan and the Social Climate Plan.

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RES Acceleration Areas: Towards Systemic Solutions for Green Investments – summary of the Reform Institute roundtable

RES Acceleration Areas: Towards Systemic Solutions for Green Investments – summary of the Reform Institute roundtable

On February 22, 2024, the Reform Institute held the first roundtable on renewable energy sources acceleration areas. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Climate and Environment, representatives of the RES sector, as well as experts in the field.

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Territorial and Distributional Aspects of Just Transition in the updated National Energy and Climate Plans

Territorial and Distributional Aspects of Just Transition in the updated National Energy and Climate Plans

The project implemented in cooperation with BlueLink Foundation, ECCO and Ecologic Institute focuses on developing a methodology to assess to what extent the updated NECPs address the just transition challenges, and applying it to the selected Plans.

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„Transition, on Time - Renewable Energy Acceleration Areas in Poland” - Report of the Reform Institute

„Transition, on Time - Renewable Energy Acceleration Areas in Poland” - Report of the Reform Institute

The report concerns the EU's efforts to speed up procedures for RES investments, the process of implementing RES acceleration areas, and Polish energy challenges, providing recommendations in this regard.

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“Social Climate Fund - Billions to Fight Energy and Transport Poverty” - Report of the Reform Institute

“Social Climate Fund - Billions to Fight Energy and Transport Poverty” - Report of the Reform Institute

The report “Social Climate Fund - Billions to Fight Energy and Transport Poverty” presents the implementation context of the Fund, essential information regarding its operation, and the prerequisites Poland must meet to avail its benefits.

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Electricity grids of the future - European plan and national priorities - summary of the Reform Institute Roundtable

Electricity grids of the future - European plan and national priorities - summary of the Reform Institute Roundtable

On 1 December 2023 the Reform Institute held a roundtable on the development of electricity grids in Poland. The discussion concerned both the EU Action Plan for Grids, published at the end of November, and Polish priorities in this regard.

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Race to the Top for Climate. Building a cooperative agenda for a globally inter-operable clean economy transition

Race to the Top for Climate. Building a cooperative agenda for a globally inter-operable clean economy transition

Reform Institute partnered with Climate Strategies to carry out Race to the Top project which seeks to provide practical knowledge on industrial decarbonization policy and form a basis for EU-US stakeholder dialogue.

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UPTAKE - Bridging current knowledge gaps to enable the uptake of carbon dioxide removal methods

UPTAKE - Bridging current knowledge gaps to enable the uptake of carbon dioxide removal methods

The EU-funded UPTAKE project aims to develop resilient CDR strategies based on strengthened scientific evidence on the social, technological, economic, and environmental characteristics of CDR technologies and their interplay.

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“Managing grid development in the light of the challenges of green electrification" - Report of the Reform Institute

“Managing grid development in the light of the challenges of green electrification" - Report of the Reform Institute

The Reform Institute has released a report on the perspectives for the development of electricity grids in Poland in the light of green electrification.

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"Euro re/new: scenarios for Poland" - Report of the Reform Institute

"Euro re/new: scenarios for Poland" - Report of the Reform Institute

The Reform Institute, in cooperation with Agnieszka Smolenska, PhD and Pawel Tokarski, PhD, has prepared a report covering new factors that affect the discussion on the euro adoption in Poland.

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"Poland in the region" - report for the Friendly State Foundation

"Poland in the region" - report for the Friendly State Foundation

The goal of the "Poland in the region" report, prepared by SpotData with the contribution of the Reform Institute for the Friendly State Foundation, was to compare long-term development trends in the Visegrad Group countries

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What plan for the Plan? First conclusions from the NECP pre-consultation - summary of the Reform Institute Roundtable

What plan for the Plan? First conclusions from the NECP pre-consultation - summary of the Reform Institute Roundtable

On 20 July 2023, the second Reform Institute Roundtable on the update of the National Energy and Climate Plan and the Polish Energy Policy until 2040 took place. The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Climate and Environment and numerous stakeholders and experts.

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Third National RoundBaltic Roundtable in Poland

Third National RoundBaltic Roundtable in Poland

The Reform Institute was a partner of the Third National Roundtable on Energy Efficiency Financing in Poland.

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Call to the Ministry of Climate and Environment to create the space for constructive dialogue around the NECP update

Call to the Ministry of Climate and Environment to create the space for constructive dialogue around the NECP update

NGOs are calling on the government to launch a transparent, open, and structured dialogue around further work on updating the Polish National Energy and Climate Plan.

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We cannot waste the opportunity to unlock the potential of green electrification: call to action for PEP2040 and NECP update

We cannot waste the opportunity to unlock the potential of green electrification: call to action for PEP2040 and NECP update

Energy producers and users together with think tanks call for the potential of green electrification to be included in the currently updated Polish strategic documents.

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Energy for cooperation - meeting with chambers of commerce around green electrification

Energy for cooperation - meeting with chambers of commerce around green electrification

The Reform Institute, together with the International Group of Chambers of Commerce, held a meeting to discuss the current status of work and possible forms of international cooperation in the field of green electrification in Poland.

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European Climate Neutrality Observatory (ECNO)

European Climate Neutrality Observatory (ECNO)

The European Climate Neutrality Observatory (ECNO) aims to help ensure the EU achieves climate neutrality by providing scientifically rigorous analysis of economy-wide progress and an independent check on EU climate policy processes.

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Green electrification of the economy – a cross-sectoral challenge

Green electrification of the economy – a cross-sectoral challenge

Over the past year, we have been analyzing key cross-sectoral challenges in the field of green electrification of the Polish economy, which combines the development of RES and increasing the share of electricity in final energy consumption.

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Unpacking REPowerEU: systemic change as the solution to the energy crisis

Unpacking REPowerEU: systemic change as the solution to the energy crisis

In the report summarizing the project Unpacking REPowerEU, we indicate the basic assumptions of the REPowerEU plan, its key pillars, the state of implementation one year after the announcement as well as collective recommendations for Poland and the entire European Union.

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Climate-neutral building materials - how to prepare the industry for the transition?

Climate-neutral building materials - how to prepare the industry for the transition?

Decarbonisation of the construction industry is particularly important for the European Union in achieving climate neutrality. However, this process brings challenges for entrepreneurs of this traditionally material- and carbon-intensive sector. The Reform Institute and the Union of Employers – Manufacturers of Construction Materials organised a Roundtable on decarbonisation strategies for the construction industry.

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The NECP update: are we ready for 2030? - summary of the Reform Institute roundtable

The NECP update: are we ready for 2030? - summary of the Reform Institute roundtable

In mid-April 2023, the Reform Institute organised a roundtable focused on the update of the Polish National Energy and Climate Plan - a document which should comprehensively define the means of achieving the country's energy and climate goals by 2030.

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Challenges and opportunities for the electrification of heavy road transport in Poland

Challenges and opportunities for the electrification of heavy road transport in Poland

In the report Challenges and opportunities for the electrification of heavy road transport in Poland prepared for the Electric Vehicles Promotion Foundation (FPPE) by Deloitte Poland and the Reform Institute, we analyze the most important issues related to the decarbonisation of the sector in Poland and Europe.

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A rehash or an idea for the future?

A rehash or an idea for the future?

This paper analyses Poland’s National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP). The NECP should act as one of the country’s main planning documents, an important reference point for national strategies and programmes concerning broadly understood energy transition and climate protection.

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Which reforms and investments should be included in the new chapter of the Polish National Recovery and Resilience Plan?

Which reforms and investments should be included in the new chapter of the Polish National Recovery and Resilience Plan?

At the end of December 2022, the negotiations between the European Parliament and the Council concerning additional financial resources for projects under the REPowerEU plan aimed at improving energy security in Europe, came to an end. Obtaining further support depends on the presentation of the new chapter of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), encompassing investments and reforms consistent with the REPowerEU goals. To effectively utilise these resources, the Polish government should urgently commence work on the new chapter.

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Socio-political analysis of energy poverty in Warsaw

Socio-political analysis of energy poverty in Warsaw

Socio-political analysis of energy poverty in Warsaw report, prepared by the Polish Green Network and the Reform Institute, places particular emphasis on the socio-economic context of Warsaw and provides recommendations to mitigate and counteract energy poverty.

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CEE Sustainable Finance Summit

CEE Sustainable Finance Summit

We are pleased to announce that Reform Institute has become a partner of the CEE Sustainable Finance Summit. The CEE Sustainable Finance Summit happening between 15 - 19 May 2023 in Prague is the largest specialised hybrid event focused on sustainability in finance and business in Central and Eastern European (CEE) region.

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PEP2040: Progress or disappointment? – new report in cooperation with Ember

PEP2040: Progress or disappointment? – new report in cooperation with Ember

By 2040 Poland can achieve 100 GW in renewables capacities, double the targets currently signalled by the government. This requires an ambitious revision of the Polish energy policy.

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PDA II: advisory support to cities and regions in the development of hydrogen projects

PDA II: advisory support to cities and regions in the development of hydrogen projects

The transition to climate neutrality requires smart use of the hydrogen economy potential. This applies in particular to pioneering investments at the local and regional level. Therefore, as part of the EU Clean Hydrogen Partnership, local and regional governments will receive support via the Project Development Assistance formula.

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REPowerEU: a new impulse for the energy transformation in Poland

REPowerEU: a new impulse for the energy transformation in Poland

The REPowerEU plan assumes an additional acceleration of the pace of the energy transformation based on renewable energy and improving energy efficiency compared to the initial proposals under the Fit for 55 package. Such shift is necessary to rapidly make the EU independent of gas imports from Russia, while maintaining the 55% GHG emission reduction target by 2030. The concept of fossil gas as a transition fuel which could replace coal in response to carbon pricing pressure is being abandoned. This increases the role of regulatory changes required to unlock the potential of renewables and transition directly from coal to zero-emission sources, in line with the coal to green logic.

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Effective instruments supporting comprehensive energy modernisation of buildings in Poland

Effective instruments supporting comprehensive energy modernisation of buildings in Poland

Energy modernisation of buildings in Poland is crucial for climate protection, improvement of the country's energy security and the fight against energy poverty. The report Effective instruments supporting comprehensive energy modernisation of buildings in Poland prepared by the Reform Institute for the Polish Renovation Wave presents a number of detailed recommendations for adjusting the national support framework for the renovation of single-family and public buildings.

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Supporting the Polish-Dutch cooperation in the offshore wind energy sector

Supporting the Polish-Dutch cooperation in the offshore wind energy sector

Reform Institute supported cooperation between the Polish and Dutch offshore wind industry by preparing an overview of current state of play and outlook in the offshore wind energy sector in Poland. The report was presented in June 2022 during the trade mission from Netherlands to Poland organised by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Warsaw.

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Investing in energy efficiency: an exception or a rule in the “Clean Air” Programme?

Investing in energy efficiency: an exception or a rule in the “Clean Air” Programme?

Discussions about the “Clean Air” Programme so far have overlooked the importance of investments in thermal renovation and the possibility to make the heating of Polish buildings fully independent from fossil fuels. The report of the Reform Institute Investing in energy efficiency: an exception or a rule in the “Clean Air” Programme? fills this gap. It presents a comprehensive overview of how funds have been spent and what needs to change in the future.

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