Assessing the inclusion of a just transition in the National Energy and Climate Plans - what has changed?

Assessing the inclusion of a just transition in the National Energy and Climate Plans - what has changed?

About the project

As part of our project with the BlueLink Foundation, ECCO, and the Ecologic Institute, we aimed to improve the public consultations required for National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs).

We developed a methodology to evaluate how well the just transition aspects were addressed in the updated NECPs.

Most countries submitted their NECPs with a significant delay. Preliminary versions of the NECPs were due by the end of June 2023, but none of the countries we analysed met the deadline. For example, Germany submitted their plan in November 2023.

We have published our analysis of the preliminary plans for Germany, Bulgaria, Italy and Poland in spring 2024 and have noted several shortcomings. All evaluated drafts of the updated NECPs inadequately address the territorial dimensions of a just transition, largely overlooking the most affected territories. In terms of distributional aspects, the plans fail to adequately acknowledge vulnerable consumers, aging populations, the role of women, and low-income households. Furthermore, there is a notable deficiency in information regarding the financing of policy measures and potential funding sources. Among these issues, energy poverty is the only aspect that has received significant attention. These studies can be found on our website at the following link.

The final versions of the documents were due by June 30, 2024. Several countries presented updated plans, but apart from Italy, none of them met the deadline again. Poland only reeased its plan in October 2024. As part of our review, we will assess whether European governments have considered feedback from public consultations. We will also check whether the European Commission's recommendations were included.

With the final NECPs now available, we are able to compare earlier analyses and recommendations with the final results and we will gradually be posting our reports. The assesment report for the Italian NECP in English and Italian, Bulgarian NECP in English and Bulagrian as well as the report for the German and Polish NECPs in English are available below. The report for the Polish NECP is available in Polish.

Furthermore, we have prepared a policy brief with recommendations for the EU institutions regarding just and fair transtion governance. The brief is available below.

Download documents


Territorial and Distributional Aspects of Just Transition in the updated Polish National Energy and Climate Plan

NECP Poland - Assessment Report in EnglishdownloadDownload

Aspetti Territoriali e Distributivi della Giusta Transizione nel PNIEC aggiornato

NECP Italy - Assessment Report in ItaliandownloadDownload

Territorial and Distributional Aspects of Just Transition in the final updated German National Energy and Climate Plan

NECP Germany - Assessment Report in EnglishdownloadDownload

Territorial and Distributional Aspects of Just Transition in the final updated Italian National Energy and Climate Plan

NECP Italy - Assessment Report in EnglishdownloadDownload

Territorial and Distributional Aspects of Just Transition in the updated Bulgarian National Energy and Climate Plan

NECP Bulgaria - Assessment Report in EnglishdownloadDownload

Териториални и разпределителни аспекти на справедливия преход в актуализирания Национален план за енергетика и климат на България

NECP Bulgaria - Assessment Report in BulagriandownloadDownload

European governance for just and fair transition

Reflecting on the NECP revision process and looking aheaddownloadDownload