Green electrification of the economy – a cross-sectoral challenge

About the project
Over the past year, we have been analysing key cross-sectoral challenges in the field of green electrification of the Polish economy, which combines the development of RES and increasing the share of electricity in final energy consumption. Together with representatives of expert circles, business and non-governmental organizations, we talked about effective actions that will enable the achievement of climate neutrality, as well as about key reforms and the pace of change expected from the state's energy policy.
As part of the project, the Reform Institute organised a series of sectoral and cross-sectoral roundtables. The events concerned:
1) challenges related to the development of power grids and permitting:
- Revolution or evolution? Which approach to the development of electricity girds do we need? - 26.01.2023 (on-site meeting)
Along with the rapid increase in the share of RES in the Polish energy mix, the dynamic development of power grids and their effective management is crucial. The roundtable focused on the approach that should be taken in reforming the current system and in further development of the energy grids.
2) policy options for decarbonisation for hard to abate industry sectors:
- Climate-neutral building materials – how to prepare the industry for transformation? - 17.05.2023 (online meeting)
Decarbonisation of the traditionally material- and emission-intensive construction industry as one of the key elements of efforts to achieve climate neutrality requires effective cooperation of all stakeholders. The meeting focused on the possibilities and tools for the decarbonisation of industry, global trends, challenges, solutions, strategies, and recommendations in this regard. A summary of the meeting is available here.
- Which strategy for decarbonisation of the polish industry do we need? - 12.01.2023 (on-site meeting)
The subject of the Round Table were strategies of decarbonisation of the industry. Discussion focused on challenges for the sector, different approaches and solutions, as well as tools that may prove useful in companies’ efforts to achieve climate neutrality.
- Overcoming administrative barriers to the supply of RES in Poland and effective development of infrastructure for electromobility – 23.11.2023 (on-site meeting):
The slow development of zero-emission electricity sources in Poland not only increases the problems of the energy sector, but also hinders the transformation in other sectors. Without access to clean, competitively priced electricity, it will not be possible to decarbonise sectors such as heating and transport or industrial processes. The event focused on removing the administrative barriers to the supply of RES in Poland and effective electrification of transport. Moreover, barriers and recommendations related to the development of the transport sector and RES were identified.
3) REPowerEU plan:
- REPowerEU: a new impulse for the energy transformation in Poland – 07.06.2022 (online meeting)
The Russian invasion of Ukraine is forcing an acceleration of the energy transition in Europe, while leading to a revision of investment plans for the coming years. In early March 2022 the European Commission published an outline of the REPowerEU plan as a response to the energy crisis caused by Russian aggression. The meeting provided an opportunity for the participants to discuss e.g. whether the proposed reforms in the REPowerEU plan are sufficient in terms of the scale of the sectoral challenges as well as the effective ways of the implementation of REPowerEU's provisions. The publication based on the meeting is available on our page in English together with the materials from the meeting (only in Polish).
- REPowerEU: from plan to implementation. Which reforms and investments should be included in the new chapter of the Polish RRF? - 09.02.2023 (online meeting)
The new Polish RRF chapter will enable obtaining additional funds for activities under the REPowerEU plan. The Round Table gathered representatives of some of the sectors that will be covered by investments – RES, transport, and buildings. The discussion primarily focused on the efficient allocation of funds for the implementation of effective solutions facilitating green electrification. A summary of the meeting is available here.
- Social Climate Fund:
- Social Climate Fund: will we take advantage of the opportunity to plan the transformation this time? - 29.03.2023 (on-site meeting)
The Social Climate Fund is a tool aimed at supporting the most vulnerable citizens and companies int the context of the introduction of the ETS2 system in the second half of this decade. To make effective use of the available resources, strategic investment planning involving different organisations, especially those closest to citizens, should play a key role. During the Round Table, organised together with the Association Renovation Wave Poland, we discussed how to effectively carry out this process.
Each roundtable provided a unique opportunity for the representatives of the RES, industry, construction, and transport sectors, as well as experts and public administration, to identify key barriers and discuss necessary solutions for the acceleration of the electrification of the economy. The analytical work carried out by the Reform Institute, combined with the practical insights gathered in cooperation with the stakeholders, will provide a framework for the development of a cross-sectoral call for action, which will be launched in the upcoming months.
We encourage you to contact us and join our activities, as well as review the presentations of the Institute Reform from the events (available only in Polish).