Which reforms and investments should be included in the new chapter of the Polish National Recovery and Resilience Plan?

About the project
At the end of December 2022, the negotiations between the European Parliament and the Council concerning additional financial resources for projects under the REPowerEU plan aimed at improving energy security in Europe, came to an end. Obtaining further support depends on the presentation of the new chapter of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), encompassing investments and reforms consistent with the REPowerEU goals. To effectively utilise these resources, the Polish government should urgently commence work on the new chapter. In order to increase the efficiency of the process, conclusions must be drawn from previous experiences, ensuring transparency of the activities around the NRRP update and including a wide circle of stakeholders in the process in order to establish priorities.
Responding to this challenge, the Reform Institute invited the representatives of public administration, the private sector, civil society, and the expert community for a joint reflection on the priorities, which need to be incorporated into the new NRRP chapter. The most important topics touched upon during the meeting are presented in the summary below.
The session in the form of a roundtable took place on the 9th of February 2023. The issues of REPowerEU financing and the new NRRP chapter had been introduced by Izabela Zygmunt from the European Commission Representation in Poland. The discussion was also enriched by reflections made by Justyna Glusman from the Association Renovation Wave Poland, Jacek Mizak from the Electric Vehicle Promotion Foundation, and Ewa Magiera from the Polish Photovoltaics Association.
Conclusions from the discussion, as well as the analyses conducted by the Reform Institute, were reflected in the comments to the draft NRRP update, raised by the Institute within the public consultations organised by the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy over April and May 2023. Below, we present the document comprising the suggested remarks.
Please see the associated materials (available only in Polish).