Climate-neutral building materials - how to prepare the industry for the transition?

About the project
Decarbonisation of the construction industry is particularly important for the European Union in achieving climate neutrality. However, this process brings challenges for entrepreneurs of this traditionally material- and carbon-intensive sector. The Reform Institute and the Union of Employers – Manufacturers of Construction Materials organised a Roundtable on decarbonisation strategies for the construction industry. The event took place on 17 May 2023.
During the meeting, the status of work on strategic documents and legislation in the area was presented by Ms Katharina Knapton-Vierlich, Head of Unit Construction Policy at European Commission. The perspective of the Polish public administration was presented by Mr Paweł Różycki, Deputy Director of the Department of Climate Transition Planning and Strategy of the Ministry of Climate and Environment.
The construction sector was represented, among others, by Mr Jacek Wierus from Wienerberger and Mr Artur Jarząb from Synthos.
The meeting was enriched by presentations delivered by Mr Szymon Firlag, Chairman of the Board of the Union of Employers – Manufacturers of Construction Materials, and Mr Aleksander Śniegocki, Chief Executive Officer of the Reform Institute.
Summary and presentations from the Roundtable are available in Polish.