What plan for the Plan? First conclusions from the NECP pre-consultation - summary of the Reform Institute Roundtable

About the project
In the light of the concluded pre-consultation of the update of the National Energy and Climate Plan and the Polish Energy Policy until 2040, on 20 July 2023 the Reform Institute organised a meeting concerning the first conclusions from the pre-consultation, the current status of the work on the Plan and the next steps. The event was a continuation of the discussion launched during the April roundtable.
During the event, the main points and the introductory framework were presented by Aleksander Śniegocki, Chief Executive Officer of the Reform Institute.
The key aspects of the work on updating the NECP were presented by representatives of the Department of Climate Transition Planning and Strategy of the Ministry of Climate and Environment - Anna Madyniak and Adam Długołęcki.
Key recommendations on the process of developing the Plan and its substantive content were proposed by experts Wojciech Szymalski (Institute for Sustainable Development Foundation), Michał Smoleń (Instrat Foundation), Paweł Wiejski (Green Economy Institute), Krzysztof Mrozek (Polish Green Network) and Aleksandra Krugły (Habitat for Humanity Poland).
The meeting concluded with a discussion open to all meeting participants, during which further suggestions were made on priority topics that should be included in the updated Plan.
Summary and presentation from the Roundtable are available in Polish.