We cannot waste the opportunity to unlock the potential of green electrification: call to action for PEP2040 and NECP update

About the project
Energy producers and users, including companies from the renewable energy, electromobility, sustainable construction, industry, and new technologies sectors, as well as experts from think tanks, call for creating a space for dialogue and joint development of crucial changes that will unlock the potential of green electrification in Poland. Appropriate solutions should be included in the currently updated medium- and long-term strategic documents – the National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) and the Energy Policy of Poland until 2040 (PEP2040).
Green electrification, i.e. the increase in the share of electricity in various sectors such as transport or heating, together with the development of renewable energy sources, especially wind, and solar, is crucial to limit Polish dependency on fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gases emissions in the whole economy, thereby maintaining its competitiveness.
Past progress in implementing reforms, despite certain positive changes, is too slow and fragmented. Hence, the identification of potential solutions necessary for unlocking the full potential of green electrification should become a priority for the Polish energy policy.
We identify key areas for the success of green electrification, one of which is a new approach to managing grid infrastructure. It has to be based on clear and transparent rules, provide flexibility and effectiveness of development activities, and include a long-term perspective for transition to climate neutrality.
The success of green electrification will also depend on the efficient permitting procedures for RES, grid infrastructure, and energy storage investments, including digitalisation and investments in the capacities of permitting institutions, simplification of investment procedures for the repowering of existing installations, and implementation of key RES areas into the national legal framework.
At the same time, we emphasise the readiness for constructive cooperation with public administration and the rest of the stakeholders, to address challenges and prepare solutions for green electrification in Poland.
List of signatories:
- Reform Institute (Fundacja Instytut Reform)
- Green Economy Institute (Fundacja Instytut Zielonej Gospodarki)
- RE-Source Poland Hub Foundation (Fundacja RE-Source Poland Hub)
- Polish Confederation Lewiatan (Konfederacja Lewiatan)
- Polish Chamber of Commerce for Electronics and Telecommunications (Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza Elektroniki i Telekomunikacji)
- Polish Organization of Heat Pump Technology Development (Polska Organizacja Rozwoju Technologii Pomp Ciepła)
- Polish Photovoltaics Association (Polskie Stowarzyszenie Fotowoltaiki)
- Polish Alternative Fuels Association (Polskie Stowarzyszenie Paliw Alternatywnych)
- Renewable Energy Association (Stowarzyszenie Energii Odnawialnej)
- Association Renovation Wave Poland (Stowarzyszenie Fala Renowacji)
- Polish Cement Association (Stowarzyszenie Producentów Cementu)
- Union of Employers – Manufacturers of Construction Materials (Związek Pracodawców Producentów Materiałów dla Budownictwa)
The call to action is available below.