RES Areas Project - Workshop "Areas of accelerated RES development: How to effectively implement them in Poland?"

RES Areas Project - Workshop "Areas of accelerated RES development: How to effectively implement them in Poland?"

About the project

The workshop organized by Reform Institute was attended by about 40 people, representing 25 organizations. Among them were representatives of three sectors: public, private and non-governmental.

Workshop participants discussed effective methods of implementation of the new tools proposed for the first time in the Renewable Energy Directive (the so-called RED III), updated in November 2023. These areas are to be designated by European Union member states by February 21, 2026, at the latest, ensuring that the permitting period for the construction and grid connection of renewable energy generation facilities does not exceed 12 months.

Polish government intends to introduce the necessary legal changes to launch the process of designating areas for accelerated RES development by the end of this year. This means that the draft legislative changes will be presented by the Ministry of Climate and Environment at the turn of the second and third quarters of this year.

The main challenge is to designate areas for accelerated RES development in a timely and effective manner from the point of view of renewable energy development, nature conservation and the interests of local communities.

This Reform Institute's workshop proved to be a fruitful platform for discussing effective ways to implement areas for accelerated RES development in Poland. Their results will be used to create a report with recommendations.