NECP and the Social Climate Plan: two plans, one strategy – summary of the Reform Institute Roundtable

About the project
On February 15, 2024, the Reform Institute held a roundtable to discuss two key documents for energy and climate reforms – the National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) and the Social Climate Plan.
The main topic of the first part of the meeting was the National Energy and Climate Plan.
Anna Madyniak, Head of the Department of Energy Policy, and Bartlomiej Zielinski, Senior Specialist of the Department of Energy Policy, from the Department of Strategy and Analysis of the Ministry of Climate and Environment, talked about the status of work on the NECP. They also presented conclusions from documents already updated by other European countries.
Aleksander Śniegocki, the CEO of the Reform Institute, discussed the update of the NECP in the context of efficient green transition management.
Paulina Grądzik, Energy and Legislation Expert from the Department of Energy and Climate Change at the Confederation Lewiatan, and Katarzyna Ugryn, Senior Network Development Coordinator at Climate Action Network Europe, presented their comments.
The subject of the second part of the meeting was the Social Climate Plan.
During the presentation, Aleksander Śniegocki explained how the Social Climate Plan can contribute to the systemic fight against energy poverty and transportation exclusion.
The plan for the use of the Social Climate Fund, the status of the preparations and prospects for implementation were presented by Natalia Kwit, Head of the Energy Transformation Financing Department of the European Funds Department of the Ministry of Climate and Environment.
Krzysztof Mrozek, Manager of the European Funds for Climate Program at the Polish Green Network, and Aleksandra Krugły, Advocacy Specialist at Habitat for Humanity Poland also commented on the discussed matters.
Summary of the meeting and presentations of the speakers are available in Polish.