Call to the Ministry of Climate and Environment to create the space for constructive dialogue around the NECP update

About the project
The update of the Polish National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) is crucial for the accelerating decarbonization of the economy and the need for the country to adapt to the challenges of the future.
As part of the pre-consultation of the NECP, which ended on June 30, 2023, non-governmental organizations expressed their comments on the transformation of specific economic sectors and cross-cutting challenges. It should be emphasized that the energy transition is a complex and multidimensional process. The perspectives presented by NGOs reflect this complexity and the need to consider various sectoral and socioeconomic aspects.
Pre-consultation in its current form is a step in the right direction, however, it does not use the full potential of dialogue with civil society. The online form provided by the Ministry of Climate and Environment does not provide sufficient space for comments beyond the defined catalog of main areas, and the short comment collection period is an impediment to comprehensive responses from all concerned.
Therefore, we urge the Ministry of Climate and Environment to launch a transparent, open, and structured dialogue as part of further work on updating the NECP. There are a number of methods to conduct such a dialogue, such as consultative meetings, working groups, and citizen panels.
We remain ready to engage in the process of developing a new strategy to meet the climate and energy challenges facing Poland.
List of signatories:
- Instrat Foundation (Fundacja Instrat)
- Institute for Sustainable Development Foundation (Instytut na rzecz Ekorozwoju)
- Reform Institute (Fundacja Instytut Reform)
- Green Economy Institute (Fundacja Instytut Zielonej Gospodarki)
- Working group for a socially fair climate and energy policy at Working Community of Associations of Social Organisations (WRZOS), coordinated by Habitat For Humanity Poland
- Polish Green Network (Polska Zielona Sieć)
The call for action is available below.